Art & Science of Soap Making Make Smooth Bathing Soap Make Hair Shampoo African Black Soap Make Liquid Soap Next Page>> DEFINITION OF SOAP: Soap is fat or oil mixed with an alkali. The oil comes from an animal or plant, while the alkali is chemical called lye. In bar soap making, the lye is sodium hydroxide. Liquid soap requires potassium hydroxide. Combining and then heating oil and lye (Sodium Hydroxide) results in soap. This chemical reaction is called saponification. Without lye, saponification isn’t possible, so lye is necessary to create soap. A NOTE ON SODIUM HYDROXIDE (LYE) Some people are concerned about lye. On its own, this highly corrosive substance can irritate the Skin, Eyes, and Respiratory System. However, when handle with SAFETY PRECAUTIONS, saponification turns lye into soap. No lye will remain in the final product. • AVOID USING ALUMINUM OR TIN CONTAINERS TO HANDLE LYE, SINCE THIS CAN BE UNSAFE. BASIC SOAP MAKING EQUIPMENT OR SUPPLIES: R...