
Showing posts with the label Soap

Melt and pour soap making

Art & Science of Soap Making Make Smooth Bathing Soap Make Hair Shampoo African Black Soap Make Liquid Soap Next Page>> Melt and pour soap making is a method of creating soap by melting pre-made soap base and adding your own color, fragrance, or other additives before pouring it into molds to harden. It is a simple and beginner-friendly way to make soap at home without the need for complicated equipment or handling dangerous chemicals.   To get started with melt and pour soap making, you will need the following supplies: Melt and pour soap base Soap molds Fragrance or essential oils (optional) Colorants (optional) Additives like exfoliants or dried herbs (optional) Double boiler or microwave-safe container Here are the basic steps to make melt and pour soap:   Cut the melt and pour soap base into small pieces and place it in a double boiler or microwave-safe container. Melt the soap base over low heat or in the microwave, stirring occasionally. Once the soap base

Hot Process Soap Making

Art & Science of Soap Making Make Smooth Bathing Soap Make Hair Shampoo African Black Soap Make Liquid Soap Next Page>> Hot process soap making is a method of making soap that involves heating the ingredients and cooking them until they saponify, or turn into soap. This process typically takes less time than cold process soap making, as the heat speeds up the chemical reaction that turns the oils and lye into soap.   To make hot process soap, you will need to gather your ingredients, including oils or fats, lye, water, and any fragrances or colorants you want to add. You will also need a stainless steel or enamel-coated pot, a stick blender, and a mold to pour the soap into.   Here are the basic steps for making hot process soap:   1. Measure out your oils and melt them in the pot over low heat.   2.    Mix together your lye and water in a separate container, being careful to follow all safety precautions and add the lye to the water slowly and carefully.   3.