Melt and pour soap making

Art & Science of Soap Making Make Smooth Bathing Soap Make Hair Shampoo African Black Soap Make Liquid Soap Next Page>> Melt and pour soap making is a method of creating soap by melting pre-made soap base and adding your own color, fragrance, or other additives before pouring it into molds to harden. It is a simple and beginner-friendly way to make soap at home without the need for complicated equipment or handling dangerous chemicals. To get started with melt and pour soap making, you will need the following supplies: Melt and pour soap base Soap molds Fragrance or essential oils (optional) Colorants (optional) Additives like exfoliants or dried herbs (optional) Double boiler or microwave-safe container Here are the basic steps to make melt and pour soap: Cut the melt and pour soap base into small pieces and place it in a double boiler or microwave-safe container. Melt the soap base over low heat or in the microwave, stirring occasionally. Once the s...